Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pre-Seder Chuckles

At least one might give you a pre-Pesach chuckle. :-)

  • A group of leading medical researchers have published data indicating that Seder participants should NOT partake of both chopped liver and charoses. It seems that this combination can lead to Charoses of the Liver.
  • At our seder, we had whole wheat and bran matzoh, fortified with Metamucil. The brand name, of course, is . . .”Let My People Go.”
  • Old Jewish men in Miami get hernias from wearing chai’s that are too heavy. This condition is called chaiatal hernia!
  • If a doctor carries a black bag and a plumber carries a toolbox, what does a mohel carry? A bris kit!
  • JEWISH JEOPARDY We give the answer, you give the question:
            A: Midrash
            Q: What is a Middle East skin disease?

            A: The Gaza Strip
            Q: What is an Egyptian Belly Dance?

            A: A classroom, a Passover ceremony, and a latke
            Q: What are a cheder, a seder, and a tater?

            A: Shofer
            Q: On what do Jews recline on Passover?

            A: Babylon
            Q: What does the rabbi do during some sermons?

            A: Filet Minyan
            Q: What do you call steaks ordered by 10 Jews?

            A: Kishka, sukkah, and circumcision
            Q: What are a gut, a hut, and a cut?

And speaking of circumcisions: An enterprising Rabbi is offering circumcisions via the Internet. The service is to be called . . .”E-MOIL.”

Tomorrow, I will have my take on last night's "South Park" episode.

Hope everyone has finished their pre-Passover shopping and cleaning! Have a great day! 


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