Good morning and Happy Passover!
Thanks to a great Facebook page called "Places in Long Island and NYC That Are No More," I found this ad from 1967 for Grossinger's Kosher for Passover frozen chicken.

Grossinger's of course, was one of the great Borscht Belt hotels. Its doors were open from 1919 to 1986. However, the golf course remains open. Many celebrities, such as Bobby Fischer, Robert Merrill, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Red Buttons, Vice President Alben W. Barkley, stayed there, and it was the first of the resorts to use artificial snow. Entertainers such as Eddie Cantor and Eddie Fisher kicked off their careers here.
Visit this link to see pictures of Grossinger's in its heyday:
Sadly, it's deteriorated:
Because food was an important part of Grossinger's (as well as the other resorts) many Seders took place here. In its heyday, over 1,900 guests would stay for the entire Passover holiday. Hey, if anyone cooks for me, it works!
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